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The journey to clearing my skin!

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! Hope you enjoy todays post!

Todays post is going to be slightly different as I am going to talk about my skin and the trouble I have had with spots. Ever since I was about 11 I have had spots. Its started as just being the odd few and it didn't really bother me because I was younger and didn't care what people thought. It only affect me when people would come up to me at school and ask why I had spots on my face as at the time I didn't wear makeup to cover them as I was too young to wear it. (Although if I knew the answer to their question I wouldn't have the issue now). When I was younger at school people would also tell me to wash my face more and they would just go which I wish was true but unfortunately washing my face more does not automatically get ride of spot. As I got older the spots got worse and became a lot bigger and leave scars behind and they affect how I feel about the way I look sometimes. I also get spots on my back, shoulders and chest as well now which make me sometimes feel self-conscious about what I wear.

So I thought I would share with you my journey to clearing my skin. I have been to the doctor multiple times over the years and have tired several lotions and creams and nothing has completely worked. For example the most recent cream I tried kept bleaching my clothes so I had to stop using it. I went back to the doctors the other week and I am now on a course of antibiotics called Lymecycline and I will be taking it for 2 months to see if it will work and after that I will go back and see if it has worked and whether I take it for longer or if I try something else. I really hope this works as it is meant to treat any infection that could be causing the spots and long with making them less inflamed.

I am also using a location called zineryt that I will use on my face and back to try and help with any spots I do have. This is something that I had used before and that kind of worked for a bit. So I am retrying it in hope that it will work along side the tablets. There is also one other thing I wanted to share that I use for my skin and that is Sudocream. This stuff works so well at helping the spot to look less red and to go down quicker. I have been using it over the last few months and it has really helped!

Hope you enjoyed reading this post as it is a bit different to my others but it is something I wanted to share as I know a lot of people suffer with acne and it always helps me to read other people stories about it. There will be an update post when I have finished the antibiotics.

Thank you for reading bye! :)

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